Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Do you know how to type? Sure, yes I do, you respond. But I suspect that the next thing you say is that, what does that do for me. In this write-up I will show how it matters a lot, if you are interested in boosting your income. You do not need a website,
you do not need to download any type of software, and you do not need
to have any special skills! If you can type your name, you can do this too!
All you have to do is follow my simple step by step instructions and type, and yeepee you begin to rake in profits just working from home.
I assure this is not a scam, this is a properly researched write-up, on one of the ways that some wise guys have been using to make money via the internet. To further help you, it will interest you to know, that more than 12,000 companies are in dire need of people that can help out in data-entry. This is achieved by leasing out the typing jobs they need, so that their work gets pretty faster, and then best of all is that you share their profits with them.
Before you go further it’s important you know WHAT YOU ARE NOT TO EXPECT,
                              You will not be part of a down line or up line scam.
                              You will not be part of any type of pyramid scheme.
                              You will not have to answer or read e-mails.
                              You will not have to convince anyone to join our site.
                              You will not have to create or buy products.
                              You will not have to do anything illegal.
                              You will not have to deal with adult material.
                              You will not have to own a web site.
                              You will not have to process orders or ship anything.
                              You will not have to deal with customers.
                              You will not have to meet deadlines.
                              You will not be left without member support

Now let’s get to business. To be able to make cool money to augment your giving and spending via online typing, you need the following:
  1. Good typing Speed: This seems simple enough, for you to function effectively, you need just a typing speed that is above board (anybody used to the computer system can do this, more so that you’re surfing the internet now, you’re good probably). This is necessary so that you’ll be able to meet the deadlines.
  2. Hi-Speed internet: This is very important since more often than not, your typing work will be sent to you via email, and your own finished typing will be mailed back to. This will ensure there is no unnecessary time lag.
  3. Good English Readability: Since the companies that are leasing out the jobs use English Language as a medium of communication, anyone interested in working with them must have a good command of then English Language, in that you must find texts in English convenient to read and understand.
There are several thousands of companies looking for people like you that are hungry to employ their typing skills for a fee. To gain access to some of this companies you can visit www.make-n-dollars.com. After visiting this site (or any other site you googled) you register with them and then (some fee is required to get you registered with them, $50) carry out these simple steps highlighted below:
  1. Select a company from the online catalog

    2. Login to your account to access the data forms

    3. Copy and Paste the data required

    4. Submit the form

    5. That’s It!


If you have been an ardent and zealous subscriber of money making avenues on line, you will have realized that many of them revolve around content production. Whether you’re selling a product, and you want to host a blog site or website content must of necessity be generated. Also, writing online is one of the best ways to make income passively on the internet, for example if you write and submit articles to associated content, they’ll pay you $1.50 per a thousand views of your article coupled with the fact that your article will rate high in Google listings. Xomba and helium are other wonderful article directories available.
The issue now is that a good write-up means a good pay and high readability, but a poorly written article will result in poor or most times ads is the case, no pay at all. So the essence of this write-up is to provide good tips for effective writing to be able to achieve your goal of becoming an accomplished writer, coupled eith the financial benefits attached to it. Below are some helpful points to achieve an acceptable standard of writng.
  1. Develop an affinity for writing: This is a very important issue, that many times gets overlooked. That a business seems to be money spinning with not too much manual stress involved, does not mean it’s cheap business. By all means stir clear of any business you don’t have a passion for (including writing at that). If you must write then the old adage comes in handy “Practice makes perfect”. You learn to write by writing.
  2. Proper prior research: It’s going to be a sheer waste of time, energy and resources to write an article that has been written before without variation. To prevent wrting of articles of scanty points, a lot off time should be spent aforetime to get as many related articles on the internet. This is in accordance with Sir Isaac Newton that: “If I have see farther than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of others” This will make it to be that at the publishing of your article it becomes the cynosure of all eyes.
3.                               Brevity of Points: It is known that while on the internet especially, people find it to focus an anything more than a minute. Therefore endeavour by all means that every point made should be succintr, and very much straightforward. At most a paragraph should contain approximately 5 to 6 short but straight to the point sentences.
4.                              Always promote your article after you have submitted it – Submit your article is only the beginning of your earning process, it is not the end .If you wrote an article but nobody will see it, that doesn't do you any good, right? There are many ways to promote your article with internet. Social network such as Facebook, Twitter, My Space are the places that you don't want to miss it if you want more people to view your article. You can also write comment on blogs, comment on articles or submit to Diggs.com but always remember to leave a link to invite others to view your newly published article.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010


This is a very important tool in starting an online business. It can be used for publishing and distributing a newsletter. Starting an internet business with the aim to gain popularity for your website necessitates this tool. Starting an internet business with the aim to gain popularity for your website necessitates this tool. The services of the autoresponder are usually set up to send immediate response to the people on the list a given intervals after signing up, having an autoresponder to send out a newsletter can cause you to get confused a bit.
How to use an Autoresponder for maximum financial profits:
1. Publish a newsletter: It simply is wise enough that for you to need the services of an autoresponder, an avenue to keep visitors streaming into your sites is needed. Your newsletter can keep your visitors informed about your services or products, while building your reputation as a credible expert in your particular business.
2. Maintain a mailing list: One of the smartest ways to use an autoresponder is to maintain the mailing list and distribute the newsletter. It would be a lot easier for subscribers to opt-in or out with all of the distribution held for you according to the set schedule. It would be very difficult to maintain the list if you are not using an autoresponder that will provide automation. This is the convenience that automation can provide.
3. Write reviews: Cover books, software, music, e-books, movies, etc., and put each review in an auto responder. Review your affiliate programs, using a link to your affiliate’s page in your auto responder.
4. Distribute your articles: Try to be creative by writing distributed targeted articles to build your business credibility, drive traffic to your website or blog site, and increase your sales potential. Let’s say you’ve written fifty articles. Put them on separate auto responder accounts and create a master list that contains the titles of each article, the auto responder address, and a brief abstract. Then promote your master list.
5. Email Course distribution: Design your autoresponder to send out quality tutorial on a particular interest topic daily (it could be even as simple as tailoring, electronics repair e.t.c). Your content will do the selling for you, and will do it much more effectively. You can include tips centered on a different topic for each lesson, illustrating how your product will benefit the reader. Include the tangible benefits the visitor will reap by purchasing your product.
6. Get and distribute free reports: People will sure want to be if need be “over sure” before patronizing you. This is one way to convince prospective customers that they will get quality for their money, based on other peoples report.
7. Give a free trial version: It is to be noted that most of the software being marketed online has something like; demo version for perhaps like 30 days. Take a cue from that, and offer a frre trial version. It may be a chapter of an ebook you havr written. You could go further convincing the prospective buyers of refundability of their money, if they are not satisfied with your product.
8. Affordability: This is a key issue, if you’re involved in a service that as quite a number of competitors, an avenue to market effectively is to beat down your price to the barest minimum. This will encourage prospective buyers to consider you above other competing service providers.


Perhaps you’re one of the people that have been having severe headaches on how to break even financially, in this period of economic recession. Most likely several attempts have been made to create multiple streams of income, but it’s all been exercise in futility. If you fall into this category, I have good news for you, money making could be very simple, provided that you can write in simple communicable English and have basic computer proficiency.
You can get paid to write articles, reviews, and summaries online. Writing online is a great way of making money on the internet. Getting paid to write online is a lot easier than to try to get paid to write offline. Online you do not need a publishers approval to publish your writing. All you need to do is find a easy to use platform. One where you do not have to learn any technical stuff.
The major advantage is the royalties that accrue long after you’ve even forgotten about your write-up. If you can work up a good appetite on writing much income could be generated than you thought
Be rest assured this is not going to be a scam (anyway you won’t be needing to pay a dime to any account of mine). This is because; I will be very down to earth in helping you chart a course to a brighter financial future by just doing what you enjoy doing most.
Below are listed very wonderful platforms waiting for you to write for a pay, and guess what; you will find opportunities to write on what interests you, as there are varied opportunities. The list is succinctly elucidated upon below:
1.         Hubpages: 
This is the most popular get paid to write website. You create your own articles called hubs. Money can be made via four methods namely: Google Adsense, amazon products, ebay auctions and kontera textlinks. Don’t be scared all these can be easily applied once you’ve signed up. The google ads automatically appear.You split google adsense revenue with hubpages. You get 60% of earnings while hubpages gets the other 40%. Some people make up to $20,000 a year writing on hubpages.
2.         Helium:
This is another platform of writing for pay online. Money is however made in only one way here, which is by google ads. The plus on this website is that, quite a number of publishers fish out for professional writers on this website. Alot of people take the paycut to write articles in the hopes of getting hired to write for a blog, website, or business. You can also put the article up for sell in the helium marketplace for a set amount of money. If you choose this route you will need to write a long informative article for it to have any chance at selling.
3.         Associated Content:
This is also another good platform for writing that provides a lot of flexibility. You chose to write articles and reviews based on any topic of your choice. You get paid $1.50 per 1000 times your article is viewed. This seems quite inconsequential but wait a minute; associated content articles gets ranked high in google.
4.         ehow:
Thuis website is basically on writing on how to do things. It will be well agreed to that all we do in life can be reduced to a procedural manner. Hence anybody can get to write uniquely on how to do something. The revenue is from google ads and its shared 50% apiece between ehow and the article writer. They provide tips on how to generate traffic to your site and on how to write more efficiently.
5.         Teen Wire:
At Teen Wire articles that could be of interest to teenagers are requested. An average article should be like 600 words in length. Your write up will yield some cool money and help shape some teenagers life positively.
6.         Escape Homes:
Escape Homes wants members (you become one by registering) to write on topics bordering around travel and real estate. They a pay a price of $20 for articles for a good article of 300 words.
7.         The Dabbling mum:
The Dabbling Mum seeks for people whose got some experience with direct sales. Twelve high quality articles are needed that can be put together to form a column. The pay is $120 for all 12 articles. Articles have to between 500-750 words each
8.         Rewind the fifties:
This could be a good platform for retirees. Rewind the fifties is seeking to hire writers that will write good articles about the 50’s and 60’s. Articles between 250-500 words pay $10.
Articles over 500 words pay $20.
9.         Constant Content:
This is a unique website open to anyone residing in any part of the world. You get paid to write online and then sell the reprint rights to them. You set your own price depending on how good the article is. Some people with very good articles make up to $250.
10.       Epinions:
At Epinions you get paid to write reviews on movies, cars, books, websites, music, electronics, gifts, hotels, sporting equipment, and basically anything you want (this is a good avenue for movie freaks). How much you make depends solely on how many times your reviews are viewed.