The Scriptures say the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the earth and those who dwell in it (Ps 24 v 1). This ordinarily would have meant that the Lord will be the one solely in charge of the world and its affairs, but if that was true; why is there a lot of evil in the world? Divorces are on the rapid increase, suicides are now being committed by pre-teens, and abortions account for a considerable percentage in total number of deaths, there is almost no safe place again, as everywhere is rife with evil. The painful issue is that it has penetrated the Church, and many unseeming and unbefitting atrocities are being perpetrated by and inside the Church. Also as these maladies are going on, it seems God is folding is hand: hence fulfilling the Bible portion that says “And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.” 1 John 5 v. 19.
Definitely, we know that as we approach the end of all things in the world sin will multiply and iniquity will abound as said in Matt 24 v 14. The fact also is that we think that somehow, sometime God will “miraculously” intervene in the matter. The Lord is definitely not folding His arms, but His questions remain “Whom shall I send and who will go for us” Isaiah 6 v 8. We shall be considering various ways evil has taken over and what we can do as Phinehas did to intervene.
Fields And Strategies For Counter Attack
The educational institutions: (especially the institutions of higher learning) have now become a breeding ground for prostitutes, cultists, drug addicts and various social derelicts. Many young girl enter the University has sincere and innocent virgins, but too often before such girls are half through there course of study the have turned into nymphomaniacs. Due to the unfair advantage taken by Satanic lecturers and student, some of these ladies are lured into a lifestyle of fornication and before long they have an uncontrollable sexual appetite. These have led more often than not to series of abortions being performed by the ladies. The question is that: where the Christian male lecturers and students? Could we have pursued these girls so that their feet might be established in Jesus in the manner that the godless men did? Many of these wicked people organize parties; volunteer to help just to lure the innocent one to believe they are good spirited and before long, one thing leads to another and all too quickly, the girl finds herself sexually attached to such a person. God wants us to intervene by organizing strategically and pursuing very strongly these young ones, in fact we must snatch them from the charlatans that they might have gotten attached to prayerfully e.t.c.
Also as promiscuous guys set a target for the number of ladies they must sample (have sex with) per semester, we must also set target for the number of souls we must rescue. It is to be recalled that the instruction of our master in Luke 14 v 23 “….Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in that my house may be filled.” An example of a diabolically minded is a guy who at age 15 set a target that by age 21, he must have slept with 500 ladies. Much more we should also set target for the thousands of souls we will labour to save in s stated number of years, if we truly love the lord we don’t need to be career evangelists to do this
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