Thursday, April 5, 2012


Maybe you are ready this letter now and you are having any sickness or disease you can be sure that the word of God is true when he said “for this reason the son  of God was made manifest, that He might destroy the works of the enemy” 1John 3:8. You need not entertain any doubt in your heart that Jesus can and is actually much interested in your healing. Taking a cursory look into scriptures there is no one who looked up to Jesus for healing that Jesus denied or told to come back at a later date. He is indeed “the present help in times of trouble ()” the scriptures says in clearly unmistakable terms that “call upon me and I will answer you and I will show you great and mighty things such as you have never seen (Jeremiah 33: 3)” note that God didn’t say I may answer you nut He said I WILL answer you.

I think some of my dear friends are reading this and you are saying “you don’t know the hopelessness of my case” well that may be the fact but the truth is that I don’t need to know the greatness of your problem so far I know the greater one who can solve all human challenges. Be it leukemia, HIV AIDS, cancer of (any part of the body), hepatitis e.t.c it might be as a result of intentional living in sin and you might be thinking that even if God will forgive you as a punishment He might not want to remove the disease. I make bold to say that is a lie Jesus died to forgive sins which includes the removing of all the penalties of your past sins. God has NO RECORD OF WRONGS HE IS KEEPING, the Bible says in Psalms 103: 12 “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.”

There is therefore no need for wasting time all you need is to come to Jesus NOW that if Satan could afflict you with this disease; then much more He that defeated Satan and all his hosts more than 2000 years ago is able to heal you NOW. If when He walked on earth He did not delay in healing, He has NO of delaying your healing now. Call on Jesus NOW if you are not born again, repent now and surrender the lordship of your life to Jesus (you will never regret it)

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